The Book Chick

The Christmas is in the House!


It is no secret that I LOVE Christmas. I love everything about it and it is the best time of the year. I always goes a little crazy and now my home looks like Santa vomited all over it. But I still love it and Mr M do not complain so I just keep going. 🙂

This year I was a little early with the decorations. That’s just because I know how busy my weeks will be and I did not want to hurry and did not want to stress the whole thing. And I’m so glad because work the last week have been crazy and I know the next couple of weeks will be even worse.

I don’t know if I have told you what I work with. I’m a campaign coordinator. My company operates in four different countries and the team I work in has to work a lot in periods and even night work. This is why I don’t have had much time to read lately. Still working on Cornwells book but I just don’t have the time. For someone like me who is used to read like 3-4 books a week, suddenly not have read a whole book in over a week, yeah, that’s just weird for me.

And on top off this I have gotten sick again. Not sick, sick so that I feel really bad, but I have lost my voice and feels constantly tired. So that do not help either. But hey, my home is now filled with Christmas and that makes me really happy. And I hope that I will get time to read soon.

Do you like Christmas?

