Everyday things · TBR

TBR March

march.JPGNew month, new To Be Read list. I’m quite happy with my results from February. I had selected 6 books (one was a February book club book) and I read all besides one. Well actually two since I DNF’ed one of them.

“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” is the one I never started in February. I have put it on my list for March since this is a book I really want to read, I just didn’t get to it last month.

Other than that I have the fifth book in the Winston Brothers series, the fourth book in the Colorado Mountain series and the first book in a new series, The Nevernight Chronicle. The last one, “A court of Thorns and Roses” are actually a reread I have had a desire for lately.

There will also be a sixth book on the list but that one I do not know until my book club have had its meeting on Wednesday. Pretty excited for March and I think this will be a great reading month.

What are you planing on reading in March?