Goodreads synopsis: The defendant – David Marquette. Devoted husband and father.
The victims – His own family.
The plea – Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity.
But the State suspects Marquette’s insanity defence is being fabricated to disguise murders that were cold-blooded and calculated. Worse, it believes Marquette may be a suspect in a string of unsolved homicides, which would make him one of the most prolific and elusive serial killers in Florida’s history.
The trial will take young prosecutor Julia Valenciano on a painful personal journey back to a past she has struggled for fifteen years to forget. And it will bring her face to face with a future that is so frightening, she’s not sure she ever wants to face it.
My thoughts: I know that legal thrillers isn’t big favorites for me. I have tried some through out the years but they always fall a little short. I often like the idea of it and they make really good movies, but reading it is just to boring for me. I had hopes for this one however, since it is more about the human mind than the legal process. I’m really interested in the human mind and the way it works and even tho it was okay, I did not find it as good as I had hoped.
I did not like how some parts of the plot was left unexplained. Even from start I felt it jumped to some conclusions I did not understand and later on it didn’t make sense. And then things changed and no explanation was given. It is hard to describe when I’m trying to not spoil you on some major events in the book. How I would interpret it all is that Hoffman have some personal experience with Schizophrenia, either in family, friends or her self, and this is her way to get some public eyes on it and maybe increase the knowledge. Schizophrenia is a hard and incalculable sickness that is hard to treat and fully understand.
I did like Hoffmans way of writing though. It was capturing, interesting and easy to read. Even for me who is not a native English speaker and that informed in the legal system and works of a lawyer. I have deep interest for the human mind and I find the book well explained and not as boring as it could have been. Actually, that was the best part of the book. I would have liked to actually follow Julia more in her search for truth and answers. All that we just brushed past. I felt that it was overlooked but had the means to make the book stronger.