You all probably already know about The online store that have like every book you could think off and also have free shipping world wide. Yeah i know. Sounds to good to be true really, but my friend in Portugal praise them to the sky’s. Me, I have never made an order there. Until now. Before I didn’t because I could find the books cheaper in my own country or as an e-book from like Amazon. But there was one book I wanted in a physical form that I could not find anywhere. And since I already was at the store, I checked some other books and in the end I ordered three new books. And I´m really on a no buy plan right now. O well.
Do not know how long the shipping will take and according to my friend in Portugal, I will probably receive them in three different shipments. But that doesn’t really matter for me as long as I get the books.
The first book you probably already have seen circulating around on the internet since it´s movie have premiere in 2018. I have not been able to decide if I want to read it or not but finally decided that i should. It sounds like a sweet story.
The second book is the third book about Helen Grace. I have read the first two books and wish to continue the series. This is the one I could not find anywhere else.
The last book by Dean Koontz, I read as an kid an actually wrote about it in my post about my top 5 horror books. I really want to read it again so just had to order it to.
Have you read any of this three books?
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