Everyday things

I bought myself a car!


Here come a not so bookish post because I’m just so happy. I have bought my very first car. I no longer have to take the bus to or from work. I do not have to take the train, bus or/and a airplane to be able to visit my family back home in Sweden. Now I can just drive and save +8 hours of the total travelling time. It usually takes between 17 to 24 hours to travel home and I always had to take two extra days off work only for traveling. That sucked. In a car it takes around 9 hours. I’m all for public transportation and environmental thinking, but at the same time I have the money to do it more comfortable now and until the public transportation gets more flexible for long distant traveling, I will now drive. And I’m so happy.

Unfortunately it also has a negative impact. It effects my reading time. Before car I read a lot while waiting for buses and while traveling back and forth between work and home. That reading time is now gone. I can already see it affect my reading speed and how many books I will read in a month. I’m sorry for that for it will also effect the number of reviews I will publish here. My solution is that I will try to prioritize reading more at home, unfortunately the snow is finally gone, the sun is here hand spring is just around the corner. It means more time outside and a more social life = less reading. But what are you gonna do?

4 thoughts on “I bought myself a car!

    1. Don’t know yet but I hope so. Not alone in the car very often since me and my partner works at the same company and commute together. He’s not that into audiobooks or books at all unfortunately. 😦


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