To Be Read – July

Due to to big move and renovation of our new house, I do not count on getting that much reading in as I would like. I’m not even sure I will be able to listen on some audio books. So for July I have only picked four books, all in my kindle, since my physical books are in boxes. Here is what I have.


Rhythm, chord & Malykhin by Zapata. She is one of my absolute favorite authors and I always saves her books and reads them when I need it the most. For an example when I’m sick, depressed or now in July, probably very, very stressed.

Whiskey and Gunpowder by Hart, the sixth book in the series about Addison Holmes. I need to read it to know if the series is finished or not. I don’t know if I want to know the answer though.

Escape from the green by Gadziala. She usually don’t write fantasy but her first book “The Green” totally knocked me flat on my ass and I have been saving this one for the perfect time. Lets see if July is the time.

Next of kin by Sala. I feel that I probably will need some old time fashion romantic suspense and hope that this one will bring that to the table. 😀

What are you planing on reading in the month of July?

One thought on “To Be Read – July

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