Goodreads synopsis:
On Christmas Day in 1893, every man, woman, and child in a remote gold mining town disappeared, belongings forsaken, meals left to freeze in vacant cabins – and not a single bone was ever found. One hundred thirteen years later, two backcountry guides are hired by a history professor and his journalist daughter to lead them into the abandoned mining town, so they can learn what happened. With them is a psychic and a paranormal photographer, as the town is rumored to be haunted. A party that tried to explore the town years ago was never heard from again. What this crew is about to discover is that twenty miles from civilization, with a blizzard bearing down, they are not alone, and the past is very much alive.
My thoughts:
I could not finish this one. I could not even get myself longer than 20% in the book. This because the writing is so, so bad. It is seriously terrible. There are weird formulations, words are split up in a way that makes the reading choppy. And me who not even has the English as a first language can ignore all the wrongs. And I am not an Grammar Nazi. Not even in my own language and I can read and like books with bad grammar. But this is just to much. And then I started reading some reviews and found out that I really don´t miss anything. And it is to bad, because the plot was really exciting and probably can be by another author. So now I don’t feel so bad anymore for not finishing this book and can go on with a book that I hopefully will like. 🙂
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