Everyday things · TBR

TBR February


I have decided to try a TBR lists for every month. I do not know how many books I should choose and so on, but I see February as a trial and error month.

I have selected six books I wish to read this month. I do own everyone of them and I will try to only select books I already own.

Golden son, Reeve and The chase is books I have had in my library for a long time now and I wish to get them read. The seven deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle I choosed due to the highly interesting synopsis and The Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo I choosed due to the highly raving there is about it in the bookish community. I do hope it isn’t hyped to death.

Little Fires Everywhere is actually my book clubs choice for January but Bookdepository was so slow so I didn’t receive it until the end of January. The meeting is however not until Thursday so I will have the time to read it.


What are you planing on reading in February?

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