Goodreads synopsis: Don Tillman and Rosie Jarman are back. If you were swept away by Graeme Simsion’s international smash hit The Rosie Project, you will love The Rosie Effect. The Wife Project is complete, and Don and Rosie are happily married and living in New York. But they’re about to face a new challenge. Rosie is pregnant.
Don sets about learning the protocols of becoming a father, but his unusual research style gets him into trouble with the law. Fortunately his best friend Gene is on hand to offer advice: he’s left Claudia and moved in with Don and Rosie.
As Don tries to schedule time for pregnancy research, getting Gene and Claudia back together, servicing the industrial refrigeration unit that occupies half his apartment, helping Dave the Baseball Fan save his business and staying on the right side of Lydia the social worker, he almost misses the biggest problem of all: he might lose Rosie when she needs him most.
Get ready to fall in love all over again.
My thoughts: I absolutely loved the first book. I loved Don and Rosie and even disgusting Gene. I connected with Don in a way that I rarely do in books and I think that it is because I have more knowledge than the general person about these types of people. Growing up with a mother with Asperger, a sister who is high functioning Autistic/ADD, a brother with Asperger/autism and another brother with ADHD. And I have been diagnosed OCD. It is so much that Don says, thinks and do´s that are so familiar to me.
So I loved the first book, this one however I did not love. I liked it, but no love here. My heart breaks for Don. He is just trying so hard to be what Rosie needs and when one thing fails, he tries something ells. Rosie who choose to not communicate does not make it easier and I actually gets a little mad on here for her selfish ways. Yes Don has secrets and even tho i´m all for communication and honesty, I think it would not have made a difference at all if he would have been honest or not, and as a result by being dishonest, he meet new people, gets new experiences that in the end will be god for them all. Even his friends who have there own secrets and problems gets to experience new things with Don that has a positive impact on there own life.
BUT, there is no red thread or a clear plot. Rosie is pregnant, we hardly see her rest of the book except to ignore Don, do it harder on him or do something bad. Gene has a really big part of the story but he really don´t do anything. Its kind of weird. Then we have Dons friends who are there with Don trough it all. Rosies reasons for everything does not make sense to me and i cant really say anything more without giving you spoilers and we definitely don´t want that.
So no, i´m so sad. But I cant like this book as much as the first one because there is nothing besides Don him self who is touching my heart and that is just not enough. Certainly when I was bored for like 70% of the story.
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