Everyday things

My year in books


2017 has come to an end and 2018 is standing before us. Before I start kicking 2018 ass (yeah I have BIG plans for this year) I want to do a review over the year that has gone by. Book wise of course.

I read in a total 143 (two of them rereads) books. In some funny statistics that is about 48 334 pages, written by 86 different authors. Most of them women (yeah I know). The author I read the most from is Jessica Gadziala with eleven books.

My favorite new author of this year is Jane Harper. She has recantly releasted her second book about Aaron Falk. Looking forward to get my hands on one of those copies.

The longest book I read was IT by Stephen King with its 1392 pages. The shortest book was Dane by Liliana Hart with it’s 51 pages. My average book length is 338 pages.

I gave out 27, five star ratings, 47, four star ratings, 34, three stars, 26, two stars and 9, one star ratings. My average rating this year is 3.4 stars. The book with the highest Goodreads rating in my bookshelf is Eli by Jessica Gadziala. And I of course gave that book a five star my self.

The oldest book I read this year is The Magician’s Nephew by C.S Lewis that was first published 1955.

It is like impossible to choose my top five books this year but I’m giving it a try.

The Rosie project by Graeme Simsion
Wonder by R.J Palacio
Ready player one by Ernest Clive
Wait for it by Mariana Zapata
Renny by Jessica Gadziala.

I have not yet selected which book I will start the new year with yet, but I’m sure it will be great. I wish you all a Happy New Year. 😀

Bullet Journal · Everyday things

Let’s talk about Bullet Journaling

One of my other hobby’s besides books is Bullet Journaling. For those who do not know what it is, it is kind of an flexible planning system. You have an notebook, any kind, a pen and then write what ever you need to remember and to do and so on in that notebook. Ryder Carroll, the man behind the system, explains it really well on their webpage. There is also a ton of videos about it on Youtube. Everyone uses the system different. Some are also really artsy and paint more than write. That’s the thing with the system. There is no wrong way to do it, you just do what works for you. And I use it to track a lot of stuff, write lists in it, diary, planing, drawing and much more.

Anyway, I have been Bullet Journaling for about a year now. I have used 2017 to try some different systems within the Bullet Journaling genre and think I have found what works for me. This is an huge community and there is a ton of different books, journals, pens, tapes, stickers and what not that you can use. I want to go as easy and simple as I can, without it being boring. So I draw a lot in my bujo (short for bullet journal). I also use it as an diary where i put in pictures and write about stuff that has happen. One of my goals for 2018 is to be better and put in more pictures and write more about happenings than I was this year.

I also use my bujo for my love of books. I record books I have read, want to read, buy, bought and much more and I though I should show you a couple of pages from one of my journals that I used this year. This is a spread that makes me really happy.

Picture to the left: Every square represent one read book. There is 133 squares on that page.
Picture to the right: I also wrote down which book it was that i had read. I also use Goodreads to track my books, but this is so much more fun and visual.

The reason I write about this today is because since this year is almost over, I have spent a lot of time with my new Bullet Journal for 2018. I have drawn all of my yearly spreads and collections so that my Bujo is ready for the new year. That means, I have not had the time to read as much as I would like to. There has been a lot at work and a lot at home with the incoming Christmas and such, so the time has not been enough for all that I want to do. But I only has 4 more days, then I take the rest of the year of work and hope that I will get some downtime to read then.

Do you want to know more about Bullet Journaling? Maybe see more spreads in how I use it to track book related stuff? Leave a comment and let me know. 🙂

Everyday things

The Christmas is in the House!

11It is no secret that I LOVE Christmas. I love everything about it and it is the best time of the year. I always goes a little crazy and now my home looks like Santa vomited all over it. But I still love it and Mr M do not complain so I just keep going. 🙂

This year I was a little early with the decorations. That’s just because I know how busy my weeks will be and I did not want to hurry and did not want to stress the whole thing. And I’m so glad because work the last week have been crazy and I know the next couple of weeks will be even worse.

I don’t know if I have told you what I work with. I’m a campaign coordinator. My company operates in four different countries and the team I work in has to work a lot in periods and even night work. This is why I don’t have had much time to read lately. Still working on Cornwells book but I just don’t have the time. For someone like me who is used to read like 3-4 books a week, suddenly not have read a whole book in over a week, yeah, that’s just weird for me.

And on top off this I have gotten sick again. Not sick, sick so that I feel really bad, but I have lost my voice and feels constantly tired. So that do not help either. But hey, my home is now filled with Christmas and that makes me really happy. And I hope that I will get time to read soon.

Do you like Christmas?

Everyday things

Bet you didn’t know this about me

I’m one of those weird people who does not read when sick. It is actually a really good indicator that I’m sick if you do not see me with a book in my hand. And when I start reading again, it just shows that i’m starting to get better. I have always hated that. I mean, when you are sick and legally home from school or work, it is the best possible time to get some reading in. Because, when you are sick, there is no expectation that you should be able to do all the normal things and you can just lay there and read. Well, than there is me who do not read while sick and just lay there in bed, watching tv, sleeping and feeling sorry for my self. O and believe you me, i HAVE tried to read. Makes no difference. My head just cant focus.

So well, you probably understand by now that I am sick. Yepp! Oh lucky me. And i’m not even that sick. Just laying there in the middle where i’m sick enough to not be able to read but not sick enough to be home from work to sleep the bug away. Yepp. That’s my luck alright.

So there will probably be some time before I get to read out Ready Player One, which is the book I’m reading right now. But dont worry. If it will take to long, I will write an publish some of my old reviews for you.

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Everyday things

7 More Books. :O

CaptureOh Man! I did it again. I was just gonna order the three books but then I finished the third book about Harry Hole and just needed to order the two next in the series. You know that need you get in your heart and you just have to? Well! Since I ordered from a online store that have a limit to reach before you get free shipment and it was not that much left to reach it I looked at some more books. And Suddenly I am ordering 6 books from that store. And and, I also ordered one more book from Book Depository so in total 7 more books. My god, now I have to stop and no more book shopping for a while.

So beside Nemesis and The Devil’s star by Jo Nesbø, I also ordered To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This is just one of those books I have never read but always thought that I should read. So now I finally bought it.

A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny. It is the forth book in the series I follow about Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. A really nice fiction crime series that takes place in Canada.

The Treatment by Mo Hayder. The second book about Jack Caffery. A series I absolutely had forgotten about and wanted to continue after I read the first book.

Postmortem by Patricia Cornwell. The first book to an series that I keep running into in different places. I know that years ago I read one of the books in the series but I cant remember which on and it was before the time of Goodreads. I remembered that I liked it so thought that I should give the series a chance with starting with the first book.

The Black Ice by Micheal Connelly. This is also a second book to the series about Harry Bosch that I had forgotten about. I generally like this types of “old” (it is from 93) crime thriller books so before I forget it again I ordered the next book in the series.

So with these 7 books + my three books I ordered earlier, and the 50+ books I have on my kindle, I wont be needing to buy an book for a loong time. But as we all know, need and want is two completly different things.

Everyday things

My First Order From Book Depository

CaptureYou all probably already know about bookdepository.com. The online store that have like every book you could think off and also have free shipping world wide. Yeah i know. Sounds to good to be true really, but my friend in Portugal praise them to the sky’s. Me, I have never made an order there. Until now. Before I didn’t because I could find the books cheaper in my own country or as an e-book from like Amazon. But there was one book I wanted in a physical form that I could not find anywhere. And since I already was at the store, I checked some other books and in the end I ordered three new books. And I´m really on a no buy plan right now. O well.

Do not know how long the shipping will take and according to my friend in Portugal, I will probably receive them in three different shipments. But that doesn’t really matter for me as long as I get the books.

The first book you probably already have seen circulating around on the internet since it´s movie have premiere in 2018. I have not been able to decide if I want to read it or not but finally decided that i should. It sounds like a sweet story.

The second book is the third book about Helen Grace. I have read the first two books and wish to continue the series. This is the one I could not find anywhere else.

The last book by Dean Koontz, I read as an kid an actually wrote about it in my post about my top 5 horror books. I really want to read it again so just had to order it to.

Have you read any of this three books?

Everyday things · Thriller/Horror

Horror Books I’ve read and recommend

Be afraid. Be very afraid! Mohaha ha oh, *chough* just kidding.

Halloween is here and by that, everything we think, do and see is influenced by this horror culture we live in. I first thought that i would make a horror book list with like five books I wanted to read this month. However my job has been crazy and I have hardly had time to sit down and write the reviews on the books I do have read.

So instead of a list of books I have not read, I thought I would make a list about the top 5 horror books I do have read and also recommend to you.


18890038.jpgIntensity by Dean Koontz
The first book I ever read by Koontz and I probably was way to young when I read it to. But I loved it. It was probably more terrifying for me as a young child reading the book than now as an adult. But just have to recommend it. You get to met Vess who is not right in the head. In his cellar there is 16 year old Ariel and Chyna who Vess has taken everything from, takes it up on her self to save Ariel. It is just an great and terrifying book. In Swedish (the language I read the book in) the title is “Psykopaten” which translate to “The Psychopath” is just a more fitting name for the book really. Just read it. Click here to read more about the book.

67035.jpgRelic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. (Book 1)
I dont think this book was supposed to evolve to an series but I´m really happy for it because I LOVE freaking Pendergast. He does not have the big main part in the first and second book but from the third one it is all about him. I still choose to recommend the first book because it is such an great story. The monster is loose at the museum. Yeah I know, how cliche isn’t that but the story is about just that. An monster, museum and the people who tries to fight it. The story is just great and one of those cozy horror story’s. Click here to read more about the Pendergast Series.

6962671The King of Plagues – Jonathan Maberry (Book 3)
There is like nine books so far in the series about Joe Ledger and I have read three and the last one was so far the best one. In this series we get to follow Joe who is a Teamleader over an highly secretive group of black ops people. They more or less is trying to save the world. The books are great written but are a little to long or slow sometimes. But they are still great and Joe Ledger is one of my favorite characters. The story line is reality horror. He writes about stuff that could really happen and it makes it real and horrific for me as an reader. Click here to read more about Joe Ledgers series.

23150980.jpgEllie Jordan, Ghost Trapper by J.L Bryan (Book 1)
This is more of an young adult kind of horror story even though it is not labeled as an young adult. The story is about Ellie who is working as an Ghost Trapper and each book is about a new case. I really like these storys. They are not to long and wordy as often fantasy books can be and they are really good written. There are today 8 books in the series and I have read two so far. Click here to read more about the series.

36013075It – Stephen King
Well I just had to have this one on here. Not because it is such an great horror story but because it is such an great story. Just as an story should be. I often find King to be over the top with his books which takes the horror right out of it. It gets just to unreal. And it happens in this book to. But not until the end. So I as an reader still gets like 1000 pages of that clean, heart beating horror that I love. Here we meet the Clown Pennywise who is killing people around the town Derry. 7 Kids takes it up on them self to kill Pennywise to save them self and revenge those who have been kill. Well, it is not that easy. Click here to read more about the book. Click here to read my review of the book.

Have you read any horrors lately? What books would you recommend?

Everyday things

Some new books

I try not to buy eBooks more than four (isch) times a year. That’s because I don’t want to have to many books on my kindle since it gets hard for me later one to choose which book to read. And if I don’t limiting my self I would buy books all the time.  Of course there is exceptions. Like when my favorite author releases a new book or I find something new that I just have to read like right now. But i try not to surf my bookstores or Goodreads to much between my shopping sprees. I do not count in buying physical books into this so I do buy books more than four times a year. But I try to keep the lid on my piggy bank.

Anyhow, I received my pay this weekend and did have my fourth quarter shopping spree and over the last months I have not found that many new books or authors that I want to read so many of the books I bought is series I follow. I thought that I should show you a small selection of what I bought and what i’m looking forward to read the next months.


Fear University by Meg Collett. New author and series for me and kind of new genre.
Looking for Alaska by John Green. Loved his book The fault in our stars and thought I should give one of his other books a try.
Grin and Berd It by Penny Reid. Second book in the sexy bearded Winston Brothers series.
Diabolical by Jana Deleon. The third book about Shay Archer and I’m really looking forward to be reading this one. I’m finally gonna get some answers.
Eli by Jessica Gadziala. Fourth and last book about the Mallick Brothers. This one I’m waiting to read until I have more time. I been waiting a long time for this one.
Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata. Her books a long but I really liked The wall of Winnipeg and me and thought I need to read more by her.
Wolf Trouble by Paige Tyler. Trying more in the shape shiftier genre.
Assassin’s code by Jonathan Maberry. Fourth book about the coolest guy I know.
The silent corner by Dean Koontz. Because I just have to.
Run to ground by Katie Ruggle. One of my favorite authors have released a new series.
The Collector by Nora Roberts. A book I have wanted to read for a really long time.
A wrinkle in time by Madeleine L’Engle. A book from 1962 that was on a (books you should read) list that interested me. Exciting.

Have you read any off this books?

Everyday things

My next two weeks – IT here I come!

img_0875Now for a time forward, there will only be reviews on old books published here on the blog. That is because I will be reading IT by Stephen King and I´m estimating that it will take me about two weeks (if i get the time i hope i will get) to get trough it. It is a freakishly fat book with just under 1400 pages. I´m not 100% sure but I think this will be the thickest book I ever read. I think about a 1000 – 1100 is my record so far.

I´m not afraid of thick books, but i´m a little afraid of this one. Not because it is a horror book about clowns. No, because i´m a little afraid that i wont like it. I saw the movie when i was a kid (like five years old). img_0879Yeah i know. Don´t know what my mother thought, letting me do that. However it did not effect me on any serious levels (probably because I had seen worse in real life). Now that the new movie have had premier I thought, maybe I should read the book before I see this one. Don´t remember much from the first movie and the book has been quite hard to get a hold of, until the movie hysteria that is going on right now.

So yeah. Just a little warning that I will have my nose stuck in this book the first weeks to come. Wish me luck. 🙂

Have you read IT? Would you recommend it to others? Have you seen any of the two movies?